Sunday, July 3, 2011

The Legend of the Epic Night Ferret

Several hours to kill at the Atlanta airport.  I figure in the sake of killing time, I'll explain the namesake for this blog and corresponding twitter and flickr accounts.  Many years ago, when walking up a dark road in Pittsburgh, PA, it was noticed that several small and mystifying lights emanated from the undergrowth of the woods alongside the road.  At first, simple acknowledgement of the presence of the lights was all that occurred.  However, as we traveled on we realized that the lights were moving too.  It soon became obvious that these glowing orbs were not lights at all, but were the glowing eyes of a group of some unidentifiable woodland creature.  The creatures seemed to be very aware of our presence, noted our every step and taking in our actions.  We too were aware of the existence of the strange creatures, but couldn't identify them for it was dark and they seemed very adept at hiding and nimble when looked for.  We cautiously moved forward towards our destination.  Just before we reached the house to which we were walking, into the spotlight of the glow of the full moon ran one of the creatures.  He was long and thin, cloaked in black ninja-like cloth.  His fangs shined in the moonlight, only diminished by the intense, luminous glow of his eyes.  He let out a deep, guttural snarl and was gone just as quickly as he had appeared.  Thus occurred the first known sighting of the mystic Western Pennsylvania Epic Night Ferret.  We would soon find that the creatures came out very rarely and have since only been witnessed a handful of times.  They are very handy with throwing stars as well as stringed instruments.  They are dexterous and creative, nimble and crafty.  We were lucky that night, for it was later discovered that not every person who witnesses a pack of ENF's lives to tell the tale.  It is because of this event and my reverence for the generosity and mercy shown to us by these mystical woodland creatures that my blog, twitter and flickr accounts, and a band dedicated to perfecting the technological musical prowess of the Epic Night Ferrets, all take the name Epic Night Ferret.

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